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My favorites I follow for information about Ukraine and Gaza are John Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs and Glenn Greenwald. All three are highly intelligent and credible. All three say that America is responsible for this disastrous war in Ukraine and are responsible for escalating it to the verge of total war which would be nuclear and a truly global WW3.

Glenn’s video is superbly informative, especially beginning at the 19:45 min point in this 29 min video where he shows a video clip of Victoria Nuland being interviewed and asked about Ukraine and Russia being close to a peace deal in early 2022 which was shot down by Boris Johnson from the UK sent by the Biden administration. Quite impressively damning. And if Kamala is elected it will in effect put these same people in power again for another four years. God forbid such a thing.

“Major Escalation: US Set To Allow Ukraine To Use European Missiles to Strike Deep Inside Russia.” (29 min)

Glenn Greenwald. Sept 13, 2024


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