Jul 22Liked by Lena Petrova, CPA

Another great interview!

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Here’s some excerpts from an article I copied 8 years ago before the 2016 election that Trump won against Hillary. Title of the article is “Here’s Why FBI Director Comey Can’t Give Hillary A Free Pass.” Yet she was given a free pass as have many other democrats. None have ever been held accountable for their crimes. We long ago lost the rule of law in this country. In what sense then does America still exist as a country?

“The fact that the administration under which Mr. Comey serves has conducted itself with unprecedented partisanship and lawlessness makes it even more important for him to uphold the law and recommend indictment. The American people need to see that both lawlessness and dereliction of duty are not given a pass and that no one is above the law.”

“The country is now at the edge of an abyss from years of obfuscation, unaccountability, subterfuge and law evasion by the Obama administration that have numbed much of its citizenry into an acceptance of government corruption and abuse of power. Resetting Americans' trust in government needs to start with holding people in high office, like Hillary Clinton, accountable.”

“Here’s Why FBI Director Comey Can’t Give Hillary A Free Pass.”

Investor’s Business Daily. July 2, 2016


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America is also rapidly unraveling internally. In August 2019 Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris claimed on Twitter that Mike Brown was “murdered” by a racist white cop 5 years ago in Ferguson. They knew that’s a lie, their fellow democrats knew that’s a lie, the msm knew it was a lie, most white leftists knew that’s a lie, Obama knew that was a lie. Yet none of these people much cared because they felt it was a useful lie since it would once again get blacks to vote for the Democratic Party. This is evil and this is what the democrats have become. How can we possibly ever trust such people?

“On Ferguson, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris Told a Terrible Lie.”

National Review. Aug 12, 2019


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