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I voted for Trump twice and plan to again but I am appalled by what Trump says he’s going to do to stop de-dollarization which is to punish those countries that join BRICS by putting 100% tariffs on their goods sold here. Threats would certainly be a good way to send them to BRICS. What in the world is Trump thinking? He’s supposed to be a businessman. Shouldn’t he know that it’s not good for business to threaten your customers?

My impression is that he’s panicking and just lashing out to stop it. What he should do is reverse course on the weaponization of the dollar and work with BRICS instead of threatening them. This video explains that China is not interested in replacing the dollar. Too many problems with that. China probably feels that a better path to global dominance is with AI supremacy and AI powered humanoid robots to dominate global manufacturing. They’re all in on this. I can’t see the democrats doing anything different. They’re globalists who also very much believe in the weaponization of our financial system, not only globally but also against domestic enemies internally such as Trump/MAGA. Superb video though. Highly recommend watching it.

Trump’s threat to punish countries that drop US dollar will speed up de-dollarization. (30 min)

Geopolitical Economy Report. Sept 13, 2024


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