Good morning Lena , NATO was never set up for Defense it was a tool of the USA/England for War

all ways have an enemy ,Russia wanted to join NATO but was not allow ,with out a enemy their

would be known need for NATO ,Their would be no need for the Military Industrial complex ,both

production ,and soldiers ,what percentage of the world GDP does this consume ? instead of having

these resources applied to the betterment of humanity .NATO has now expanded Asia Located office

in Japan .

Putin will most likely not take the entire territory of Ukraine ,which in my opinion is poor discussion

for many reasons ,which i will not go into now ,But President Orban is hoping to acquire part of

the south western part of Ukraine which was part of Hungary and has a Hungarian population also many Nazi's ,from the Bandara mind set.


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Sorry, NATO was originally set up to strengthen devastated Western Europe from the USSR and later Warsaw Pact. It never attempted to start a war in the Cold War days. When the USSR and Warsaw Pact dissolved, so should have NATO, as the original mandate was completed.

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Lena I agree with you Viktor Orban is the only sane leader, who desires to have Peace. Maybe the only leader in this world with a brain. America military is so woke, they can’t even handle the Red Sea . I appreciate all your research on the geopolitical & economics.

Thanks much

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Sadly, Orban doesn't seem to understand NATO being in Afghanistan was offensive operations, not defensive. It was to help prop up the puppet Afghan President. Europe was not attached by Afghanistan, Orban, so exactly what business did NATO have there? Let's not pretend NATO only protected Kosovo. What NATO did was bomb Yugoslavia and forcibly broke the country apart despite the fact Yugoslavia was not part of NATO and did not attack NATO. Let's not forget NATO's role in Libya, way outside of Europe. Hungary went into NATO despite all these offensive military operations. No excuses, especially as Hungary had zero luck with military alliances in the past.

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Sidenote, Lena, you have some thought provoking commentaries and it starts a dialogue, which is interesting to say the least, and educational. Thank you along with others who’ve commented here.

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Olive branch in one hand and elements of war in the other. Taking the high road, we all, regardless of nation(s), should be peacekeepers. Sadly, the world is preparing for war, seems to prefer war, and it’s profitable for some. Thanks Lena.

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Well I have to say I agree absolutely 💯 what an inspirational person he is; I applaud him, his integrity, selfless focus on the greater good and his dedication to navigating a difficult Geopolitical landscape.....the World needs leadership aligned with the Victor's values...I am a student of History spanning many Centuries of Human existence, lights occasionally come our way and guide us to brighter futures together....we just need patience and sometimes we are the corner stones upon which Humanity builds an Enlightened Society

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