Dec 10, 2023Liked by Lena Petrova, CPA

Just another symptom of a corrupt country in rapid decline. The warmongering neocons are in charge and they don't care about American citizens!

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Lena Petrova, CPA

We have seen multiple cases of weapon values being revised by the DOD, after having sent the weapons to the Ukraine.

This amounts to nothing more than creative accounting, as the value of these items has then been written down/depreciated on an unknown basis.

Surely the value of weapons would be written down once annually as the equipment depreciates due to age, and is not something which happens randomly as an afterthought.

What is interesting though, according to Col.Douglas MacGregor, is that the equipment being transferred to the Ukraine, is Not being replaced with more modern equipment, but more of the same equipment, which raises questions in regard to the value of the depreciation write downs, based on redundancy, if the equipment was kept in storage, and not being used.

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Zelensky sold a lot of US supplied weaponry on the black market.

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Source ?

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I don't provide research or news sources to people who don't follow the news. The news facts I cite are there for anyone to track down

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Lena Petrova, CPA

Another great video. You’re a must follow here and on YouTube

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Lena Petrova, CPA

Lena a great video. The question has to be is it neglegence, they just don't care, is it bribery money paying off countries or arms manufacturers and suppliers. I don't really know of course but it's taxpayers money being spent. It's a damned disgrace. Probably without question it happens in every other government department too.

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DOD,as well as other government agencies, have a use it or lose it mandate. Spend all of your budget, or face cuts. Do you believe they're more worried about monetary policies and accountability, or moving and hiding money at the end of a fiscal year? I'm retired military and my cousin is a 1-star General. I already know. Lloyd Austin went from 1-star General, to board member of Raytheon, to SecDef in 6-year period. Surplus money doesn't die and go to money heaven

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Absolutely correct. The same applies to businesses as a whole. No one turns in money that’s been allocated. When I lived in Minneapolis area they would blacktop squirrel runs to keep from not spending the money.

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Hey Ms. Petrova, you always have great content on your channel! Thanks for that. On a different note, I would like to ask about a VPN software that you’ve promoted before on your channel. I’m also a tax/accounting professional, and would like to add some protection to my firm’s internet interactions. The referral would be greatly appreciated...!

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I'm contacting my Congressmen today.

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