Nov 24, 2023Liked by Lena Petrova, CPA

Hi Lena ,i forgot to mention something , where i sit in the Restautant table and chair ,i get there early

and get my choose table closets to the water with the best view a 180 degree view from a 4 seat table

by my self ,i observed others that are by themselves choose certain seat out of four choices many of them do not choose the ocean view , to me this is very interesting how every one's brain functions ,i hope you don't think i'am been silly.


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Happy thanksgiving Lena have a blessed holiday.

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Thank you Lena and a Happy Thanksgiving you too.

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Consider this a belated Happy Thanksgiving or a really early greeting.

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Dear Lena Petrova ,this is Thomas , a very close friend of mine who was a international well known Doctor had

pass away even though i pleaded with him not to take experiment injections ( 5) times and he was very intelligent ,he was missing some thing ,i deal with many people daily ,this a weariness must be

something in our DNA some have it and others done.

I have breakfast every morning at this ristorante that's on the ocean ,sun , perfect tempeture now

and a breeze in my face ,and i realize what a beautiful planet the Earth is ,and why all is evil is taking

place ? there is abundance for all of us ( the 8 billion of us ).

I give Happy Thanksgiving every Day to the the creator and thank God that i have this special something in my DNA.

Lena i hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and your love one's


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Are we invited over for slice of that Delicious looking American Apple Pie?

Happy Thanksgiving.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you Lena. Your work is appreciated.

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Happy Thanksgiving

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Lena. And thanks for your videos. They are short, which makes them very shareable with others, but they convey very important information and insights that people need to hear.

Have a blessed holiday season and new year.

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Ditto!! You're a special woman.

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Thank you so much for all your work. I always look forward to your communications. May God bless you during this Thanksgiving and holiday season.

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