The World is changing. With change comes new adventures. Change makes most people nervous, but patience is necessary for progress.

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Hi Lena caught this on YouTube awesome thanks very much, always appreciate the effort of people like yourself that take time to better inform others..FYI just my own qualified opinion , Gold is being accumulated by Central Banks as everyone already knows, they are front running an upcoming big shift away from the US dollar denominated debt situation we are all in at the moment. I will repeat that in December 2022, just 1 month before the BIS elevated Gold to Reserve Tier 1 status, they ( they BIS ), swapped out of all paper shorts ( some 500 tons worth) anc have been long Gold ever since..there's obviously loads more to Gold's story but this should convince anyone Gold is the best store of real monetary value and has been for 5,000yrs.

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"combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism"

Sounds familiar.

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Thanks for the update.

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A truly superb conversation between a couple of our best public intellectuals, John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs. Both are well known and respected not only here but globally. Just watch the beginning intro by Lex Fridman and you’ll be hooked on watching it all. Same with Glenn Greenwald who has an excellent video below about Victoria Nuland, one of the many dreadful creatures in our ruling class. These three are examples of the fact that we have the best quality people by far on our side which is our greatest advantage against the democrats and their media. Save these and share with others.

“John Mearsheimer and Jeffry Sachs. All-In Summit 2024.” (54 min)

All-In Podcast. Sept 16, 2024


“Neocon Queen Victoria Nuland Admits Not Wanting To End Ukraine War Diplomatically.” (9 min)

Glenn Greenwald. Sept 14, 2024


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